When you visit MugsKOK website, all your personal information will be used by us as described in the Privacy Policy.

Section 1: Your Information

We will collect your information such as name, email and address when you purchase our product from our website. We also collect your IP address (Internet Protocol) to help us track your journey from our website to offer the best experience.

Email marketing: We do send you our product information and promotion via email when you purchase from us or sign up for our newsletter.

Section 2: Consent

We will collect and use your personal information for the following purposes: payment processing, bank card verification, delivery times and locations, and refund processes. If we need secondary information and intend to use it for marketing purposes, we will contact you directly to obtain your explicit consent and provide you with the opportunity to deny. 

How do you revoke your consent?

If you change your mind after agreeing, you can withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information for the purposes listed above by sending an email to [email protected].

Section 3: Disclosure

We will disclose your personal information if you violate the Terms of Service or are required by law.

Payment online:

We will store your credit card information through the PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) to process the payment, and storage is necessary to process the transaction. Your transaction information will be deleted upon completion.

In order for us to securely process credit card information, MugsKOK complies with the requirements of the PCI – DSS standard for Paypal, Stripe, Visa and Mastercard.

Explore PCI – DSS right here.

Section 4: Third-party Services

To the extent necessary, we will provide your information to third parties in order to process transactions and payments. However, there is a Privacy Policy in place for some third-party regulations that require us to provide them with information about your purchase.

As a result, we recommend that you carefully read third-party laws and regulations regarding the use of personal information for payments on our website. Remember that laws and regulations will be enforced by the country in which the third party is located, not the country in which you live. When you leave our website, you are no longer bound by our Terms of Service and privacy statement.

Section 5: Security

We always implement and maintain precautions and safety practices to ensure that your personal information is not lost, misused, accessed, or disclosed. When you make a payment with a credit card, the information is encrypted with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and stored with AES-256 encryption. Certainly no method is completely safe, however, we always follow the requirements of PCI – DSS.

Section 6: Cookies

You have the right to refuse access to cookies to secure your personal information in the Privacy Policy. If you need more details about the cookies we will use during your visit of our website, please email us at [email protected]

Section 7: Changes to Privacy Policy

We will change and update this privacy policy statement on our website on a regular basis, so it is advisable to check back frequently before using our website. If we make significant changes in the way we use and collect your information, we will notify you, specifically when we collect and use that information in any purposes and conditions.

Your information will be transferred if our store is acquired or owned by a new owner so that you can continue to shop.