Because our products are specifically designed according to your requirements, they are only eligible for return, replacement, or exchange if the item is:

  1. Significantly different from the sample or description that was presented to you;
  2. Damaged due to our manufacturer or the carrier’s fault;
  3. Not the products you ordered;

Contact us at [email protected] to begin the Returns & Exchanges procedure if your purchase matches the criteria. Please provide us the following information:

  • Order Number
  • Video or photos of the damaged/faulty products
  • Detailed photos of front and back product
  • Information of the shipping label

Specifications are included in the product description to assist you in getting a more exact fit. We take no responsibility for non-receipt or refuse to receive due to an item that does not suit you.

Note: If the product is received in normal condition, MugsKOK does not accept returns or exchanges in case you change your mind after receiving the product that you ordered.

How long does the replacement or return process take?

We assess claims within 24 hours after receipt. If your order is eligible for a return or exchange, replacements typically take 7 to 14 business days to arrive.

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected].